Rockwall Crossing Orthodontics
Orthodontists Frank Miller and Bart Miller - Rockwall and Canton, TX (Texas)

Getting Started

Q. What should I expect at my first visit?

A. Dr. Bart or Dr. Frank will sit down with you, discuss your concerns, and do a simple exam. With that information they can answer many questions about possible treatment options, if needed, and timing. They will also be able to determine if further x-rays or other diagnostic aids are needed.

Q. When is the best time to refer a child with a skeletal disproportion or oral habit (i.e. thumb habit)?

A. Because some problems respond best to early correction, children should be referred as soon as the problem is recognized. Dr. Bart and Dr. Frank will determine the best time to pursue any needed treatment following an accurate differential diagnosis considering the exact nature of the problem and the growth and development of the individual patient.

Q. Why are some children treated before all of the permanent teeth erupt?

A. In most cases where early orthodontic treatment is recommended, the objective of interceptive treatment will be one or more of the following:

  • to correct jaw disproportions before aligning the teeth.
  • to correct jaw disproportions before aligning the teeth.
  • to manage crowding.
  • to eliminate damaging habits.

With these problems, correction at a younger age may provide for better or faster results. In other cases it may allow for more normal later development and eruption of permanent teeth. After all the permanent teeth erupt, the treatment objective is to achieve optimal alignment, esthetics, function, and stability.

Q. Do all children with orthodontic problems require interceptive (early) treatment?

A. No. The need for interceptive orthodontics must be determined on an individual basis. After a thorough diagnosis, Dr. Bart and Dr. Frank will determine if the benefits of early treatment significantly outweigh the time and effort involved in two phases of treatment. In gerneral, we feel that for most patients, a single phase of treatment once all the permanent teeth have erupted is the best approach.

Q. Why are serial or selective extractions recommended for some young patients?

A. In some situations early removal of selected primary teeth can greatly aid the eruption of the permanent teeth. Carefully-timed extractions may prevent a variety of problems including:

  • misplaced eruption or failed eruption of some permanent teeth.
  • root resorption, especially on permanent upper front teeth (laterals incisors).
  • severe crowding in the permanent dentition requiring more involved future treatment (such as removing permanent teeth).

Q. Why is age seven an ideal time for screening by an orthodontist?

A. With the presence of permanent incisors and the first molars, Dr. Bart and Dr. Frank can evaluate the fit of the jaws and teeth as well as any present or future crowding problems. Habit patterns, facial asymmetries and fracture-prone incisors are also likely to be apparent by age seven.

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Dr. Bart Miller, Orthodontist, and Dr. Frank Miller, Orthodontist